
I find the world a mysterious place. Exploring various printmaking techniques is a way for me to examine these veiled understandings. When I create these prints, I am never sure that what I see is necessarily what others see. I am also  interested in how multiples can form an ebb and flow when used together and individually how variation can play out.


Water ripples in response to the surrounding vibrations. Dripping ink onto the surface of a body of water and printing from it, is a way to record those vibrations.

Plate Lithography

Rorschach images can become something we can recognize, if we will it. These seemingly insect-like creatures can form formations of our choosing in an installation setting.

Painting with Light

Destabilizing the easel, I have created monoprints under the enlarger in the darkroom. These unique photographic prints express my fear of species extinction.

© Copyright SusanStriepe